I’m Neo, a curious explorer of the metaverse, finding inspiration in the virtual worlds of Second Life and the internet.
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ChatGPT Helps Blogging
Are you tired of staring at a blank screen, struggling to come up with ideas for your next blog post? Do you find yourself getting stuck on the wording or phrasing of certain sentences, hindering your ability to convey your message clearly? If so, you might benefit from using ChatGPT, a powerful language model that…
DigiMee NFT
I like to create my own 3D creations. But stuff on the internet was like “all you can download” … till now. Digital art was one of the earliest use cases for NFTs due to the ability of blockchain technology to guarantee a unique signature and ownership of the NFT. Like Bitcoin, NFT also contains…
Second Life PaleoQuest Stream https://youtu.be/akX73vJVYCE
PaleoQuest Location : https://secondlife.com/destination/paleoquest Free Weekly 100L$ Payout Detail : http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:PaleoQuest Tutorial : turn on captions
Second Life DopeMercy Stream https://youtu.be/V8mZVwA9hJA
Lunar Chinese New Year @ Dope+Mercy https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/The%20Sign/122/131/1402 The DopeMercy https://www.facebook.com/100037070805622/videos/444957776749912/
Second Life Stream https://youtu.be/bbd7mgKsTco
メカ系ロボ女子 @ Choose*Cafe http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Wedgewood/89/207/301 Choose*Cafe Blogger https://choosecafe.blogspot.com/2020/09/917choosecafe.html
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Second Life mini Moya Land Stream https://youtu.be/ayfY3u-h95I
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